How Can I Help?

Thank you to all the individuals and organizations who were so willing to give back to the community and support our work in securing and delivering PPE and other supplies. Your contributions supported frontline healthcare workers and helped to save lives. 

We have now concluded our fundraising efforts and are focused on distributing procured PPE. If you have donations or time you wish to give, please contact one of the organizations below.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Conquer COVID-19.


The Awesome Music Project | AMP4Life
Through its AMP4Life initiative, the Awesome Music Project is fundraising for a music therapy program for LTCs to battle depression following COVID-19


Helping Alberta
This group of volunteers is working with community and industry partners to source life-saving Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for frontline healthcare workers in Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic.


SafeCare BC (Operation Protect)
SafeCare BC is working with the Ministry of Health to collect PPE. It will be added to the provincial supply, then distributed to hospitals, long-term care, home care, community health support and assisted living
BC Medical Student COVID-19 Response Group
Doctors-in-training at the University of British Columbia are gathering surgical masks, N95 masks, gowns, gloves, and eyewear donated from medical and dental clinics, labs, and businesses that don’t need them. The group works with professors, working doctors, and dentists to organize the drive. They drop off donated equipment with local health authorities who distribute it to frontline staff.


Bobcaygeon and Area COVID-19 Relief Fund
This Relief Fund managed by the Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes will provide immediate assistance for people affected by COVID-19 in the Bobcaygeon area. All donations go toward providing immediate support to Bobcaygeon and area patients, families, or health care workers in need of financial assistance, and may also include food supplies, transportation, technology, and mental wellness counselling.
Frontline Connect
Frontline Connect is a physician-led grassroots organization based in Ontario. ‘No visitor’ policies implemented for COVID-19 infection control are isolating patients from their care providers and families. Frontline Connect is equipping healthcare providers and patients with phones and tablets for virtual communication in hospitals and other care facilities.
The HomeFront
The HomeFront is a volunteer organization working in partnership with registered charity The Upside Foundation, acting as a central hub to help Frontline Healthcare Workers get the support they need during COVID-19.
Ontario PPE Collective
A grassroots organization focused on creating and donating face shields to Ontario’s frontline healthcare workers.
SPARK Ontario
SPARK and the Government of Ontario are connecting volunteers with community response efforts to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is the first of its kind bilingual volunteer hub and to date over 140 community organizations have registered for volunteer opportunities and more than 100 COVID-19 related volunteer opportunities have posted on this site. Supporting seniors, people with disabilities, and others in need with food delivery, shopping for supplies, etc.
PPE for HCPs Toronto
A group of medical students from a number of different universities across Canada are working together with the community and public health providers to organize and supply personal protective equipment (PPE) to front-line healthcare workers. They are 100% committed to equitable and ethical distribution and are working with Ontario Health – Toronto Region to assess and meet the changing needs of large and small healthcare facilities in the Greater Toronto, supplying PPE to hospitals, long-term care centres, assisted-living facilities and public shelters.
The PPE Drive
Hospitals are still in need of PPE and are looking for donations of both supplies and funds. This hub, organized through Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto, supplies PPE to hospitals across Ontario.
The Good Neighbour Project
This is a network of community members that are willing assist with delivering supplies and groceries to healthcare workers, those with disabilities, compromised immune systems, accessibility barriers, and the elderly, across the GTA.